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Make snack prep fun & nutritious!

Snack time is often an overlooked opportunity to teach children about healthy eating and involve them in the cooking process and make it a family activity! With our lunch boxes and food containers, it's easier than you think to turn snack time into a fun, educational and nutritious part of the day.

The benefits of commitment

Having children participate in the preparation of their snacks offers several benefits:

  • Promotes Healthy Choices : Children are more likely to eat healthy snacks if they are involved in the selection and preparation process.
  • Encourages Independence : Learning to prepare their own snacks teaches children valuable self-care skills.
  • Educational Opportunity : It's the perfect opportunity to discuss nutrition, portion sizes and food groups in a practical way.
  • Encourages Creativity : Designing and preparing snacks allows children to express their creativity through food.

Fun snack tips

1. Plan together

Start by planning your snacks together. Encourage your child to choose from a selection of healthy options you have prepared. Our lunch box GrowBento and smaller containers Silipods can serve as inspiration for variety - as they make it possible to separate the food and also store sauces/purees as the silipods are leak-proof. Think dips, fruit, vegetables and protein-rich snacks!

2. Embrace color and variety

Children are naturally drawn to colorful foods. Use our silipods to pack a variety of vibrant, bite-sized vegetables and fruits. The visual appeal can make snack time more exciting and ensure they get a range of nutrients.

3. Safe preparation together

Depending on their age, children can help wash fruit and vegetables, create shapes with molds or mix ingredients in our Silipods. They are leak proof and easy to open and close, making them perfect for little hands to handle. In addition, they are made of 100% food-grade silicone, so no danger if they accidentally fall on the floor! They take hard hits and are completely silent :)

4. Themes for the snacks

Introduce themed snacks to create excitement and surprise! Whether it's a color theme, animal theme or seasonal theme, themed snacks can stimulate your child's imagination and enthusiasm for healthy eating.

5. Create a feedback opportunity

After snack time, talk about what they enjoyed and what they might want to do differently next time. This conversation encourages them to think critically about their food choices and preferences.

Our Ready Go Bento Kit , with its kid-friendly design and practical dividing silipods, is the perfect tool to turn snack preparation into an engaging and educational family activity. By making snack time a joint project, you not only foster a positive relationship with food, but also create fun, lasting memories together. Let's embrace the joy of healthy snacking!

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